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Collaboration Between The World Peace University and The Iranian Cultural Center For Persian Language Courses

An agreement was reached as a result of discussions held between the officials of the World Peace University and Seyyed Ghasem Nazimi, the Undersecretary of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Ankara, regarding the provision of educational, research, and cultural cooperation. Believing in the contribution of language learning to intercultural understanding and peace, the World Peace University signed a significant collaboration on June 5, 2024, in Ankara with the the Persian Language Education Center (FÖMER), which operates under the Cultural Counselor’s Office of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Ankara. Within the framework of this collaboration, our university will offer Persian language courses, providing our students and the community with the opportunity to learn about Iranian culture and language.
Published on 01/07/2024

World Peace University Participated In TRNC Higher Education Promotion Fair In Azerbaijan

World Peace University Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Behiye ÇAVUŞOĞLU and Foreign Affairs and Protocol Manager İpek TURAN, together with Minister of Education Nazım ÇAVUŞOĞLU and the accompanying delegation, travelled to Azerbaijan to make contacts and to open the Higher Education Fair of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. In addition to Minister ÇAVUŞOĞLU, Azerbaijan Deputacy Hikmet Babaoğlu, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ambassador to Baku Ambassador Ufuk Turganer, YÖDAK President Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, Ministry Bureaucrats, University Rectors and officials, officials from the Turkish Embassy in Baku and students studying in Azerbaijan attended the opening of the fair held at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.
Published on 01/07/2024

World Peace University Welcome Prof. Dr. Elman Nasirov, A Member Of The Azerbaijani National Assembly At Lunch

Prof Dr Nasirov were in the island for the Azerbaijan Independence Day celebrations. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alpay Dikmen, World Peace University- Rector and university officials and Prof Dr Elman Nasirov discussed potential educational collaborations with Republic of Azerbaijan. Prof. Dr. Elman Nasirov, mentioned that the friendship group between the Azerbaijani and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Assemblies had made progress in developing relations between the two countries, which is significant for the future.
Published on 01/07/2024
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